NTI (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition) is used in the prevention of bruxism (clenching/grinding your teeth), medically diagnosed migraines and TMJ disorders. It's the smallest type of night guard available. This is a great option for individuals who have a gag reflex/difficulty tolerating a standard night guard appliance.
This is the most common type of night guard we prescribe and recommend to our patients. This patient specific night guard helps to protect your teeth from clenching/grinding. This appliance has also been shown to help relieve jaw, head, neck and shoulder pain
This clear retainer is used to aid in the retention of your teeth. Typically prescribed after orthodontic treatment, or can be used for individuals who wish to maintain their teeth in their current position.
This removable oral appliance is used to treat snoring along with mild to moderate sleep apnea* This appliance works by shifting your lower jaw forward thus opening up your airway
*Note: only your physician can diagnosis and treat sleep apnea. please consult your physician for possible sleep study and diagnosis.
This appliance is for our patients who experience jaw and facial muscle tension during the day